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We don't just make insoles, we help restore the natural position of the feet and the harmony of the body. To do this, we carry out diagnostics, make individual stelechnye orthoses and accompany you all the way to adjust the position of the feet.

Barry's individual orthopedic supinators are manufactured using a unique technology taking into account age, anatomical features and human diseases. They carefully correct and compensate for a variety of deformations of the foot — valgus, longitudinal and transverse flat feet and others.

Barry's supinators provide support in those areas where it is necessary for you. They lead the feet to the physiological movement inherent in nature, and allow the muscles of the feet and shins to work actively.
Align joints and spine
An individual prescription of an orthopedic doctor puts the skeleton in a physiologically correct position
Relieve fatigue, save energy
Correct the mechanics of the step and restore blood circulation, eliminating the cause of your fatigue
Distribute the load evenly
They take into account your support points and eliminate excessive load, distributing body weight according to the doctor's prescription
Why do we need individual insoles?
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Barry is a combination of well—coordinated work of professionals to achieve maximum effect when wearing individual supinators.

Each pair of orthopedic supinators is ground out "from scratch" by our specialists at the Barry Rehabilitation Center. An orthopedic technician with 10 years of experience, over the years he has manufactured over 20,000 individual insoles for both professional athletes and ordinary patients.